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Analysis of quicklime import deliveries in June 2014 - May 2015 with the forecast
Analysis of quicklime import deliveries in June 2014  - May 2015 with the forecast

Analysis of quicklime import deliveries in June 2014 - May 2015 with the forecast

Geography of research :Russia
Language of report:english
1155 $
Analysis of quicklime import deliveries in June 2014  - May 2015 with the forecast is produced by a deep structurization of the customs statistics data of the Russia and covers the period: June 2014  - May 2015.

In this analysis import tendencies are revealed, the structure and participants market shares are determined, partnership preferences are established.

Russia imported quicklime totally for $14 483 290.

51 foreign firms were engaged in total imports of quicklime to Russia, among which company LHOIST.

The cost of a research: 75.000 Rubles / 1155 USD / 1070 Euro, VAT free

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